Fountain-Jones, N…, Flies, E.J. et al. “Patterns of SARS-CoV-2 exposure and mortality suggest endemic infections, in addition to space and population factors, shape dynamics across countries.” PNAS. (under revision; preprint available here)
Flies, A, Flies, E.J. et al. “Nidoviruses in terrestrial wildlife.” mBio. (under revision)
Zhu, D… Flies, E.J. . “Nature-based solutions in Australia: a systematic quantitative literature review of terms, application and policy relevance.” Nature-based solutions Journal. (under review; preprint available here)
Flies, E.J. et al. “Bridging the evidence gap: A review and research protocol for outdoor mental health therapies for young Australians.” Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education. (under review)
Neil, A, Pryor, A, Kneebone, J, Flies, E.J. et al. “Making mental health therapy more accessible and acceptable to young people: is there a role for outdoor therapy.” Australian Health Review. (under review)
32. Marsh, P., Auckland, S., Dudley, T., Kendal, D., Flies, E.J. 2023. “A mountain of health benefits? Impacts of ecological restoration activities on human wellbeing.” Wellbeing, Space and Society. Volume 4, 100132 31. Grierson, J., Flies, E.J.* , et al. 2023. “Which soil microbiome? Bacteria, fungi, and protozoa communities show different relationships with urban green space type and use-intensity.” Science of The Total Environment. Volume 863, 10 March 2023, 160468 *co-senior author 30. Flies, E.J. , Lim, JNW, Dougals, I. 2022. “Editorial: Urban ecology and human health.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.Flies, E.J. et al. 2022. “Managing urban green spaces for biodiversity and health: systems thinking from a regional Australian city on synergies, trade-offs, and enablers“. Urban Health and Wellbeing: A systems approach. In: Gatzweiler, F.W. (eds) Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme. Urban Health and Wellbeing. Springer, Singapore.\.
29. Allegretto, G, Kendal, D, Flies, E.J. 2022. “Urban forest quality and socioeconomic status: systematic review and research agenda.” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 74: 127664. 28. Jayasinghe, S, Flies, E.J. et al. 2022. “Physical activity and food environments around schools: A case-study in regional North-West Tasmania.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health B. 19(10), 6238 27. Williams, C…, Flies, E.J. et al. 2022. “Nature-based Citizen Science as a mechanism to improve human health in urban areas.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health B. 19(1): 68 26. Jayasinghe, S, Flies, E.J. et al. 2021. “A spatial analysis of access to physical activity infrastructure and healthy food in regional Tasmania.” Frontiers in Public Health. 25. Nash, K…, Flies, E.J. et al. 2021. “Oceans and Society: Feedbacks between ocean and human health“. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. Future Seas special issue. 24. Bradby, K…, Flies, E.J. (co-first author) et al. 2021. “Four Islands EcoHealth Network: An Australasian initiative building synergies between the restoration of ecosystems and human health“. Restoration Ecology. e13382. 23. Nguyen, H…, Flies, E.J. 2021. “Disentangling the environment in wildlife microbiome-behaviour interactions: Reply to Davidson et al“. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 36(4): 277-278. 22. Kendal, D…, Flies, E.J. 2020. “City-size bias in knowledge on the effects of urban nature on people and biodiversity“. Environmental Research Letters. 15: 124035. 21. Rupprecht, C…, Flies, E.J. et al. 2020. “Multispecies sustainability“. Global Sustainability. 3: e34 20. Flies, E.J. et al. 2020. “Compromised ecosystem services from urban aerial microbiomes: a review of impacts on human immune function.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 19. Marsh, P, Mallick, S, Flies, E.J. et al. 2020. “Trust, connection and equity: Can understanding context help to establish successful campus community gardens?“. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18. Breed, M… Flies, E.J. et al. 2020. “Ecosystem restoration – a public health intervention.” EcoHealth. 17. Flies, E.J. et al. 2020. “Urbanization reduces the abundance and diversity of airborne microbes – but what does that mean for our health? A systematic review.” Science of the Total Environment. 738: 140337. 16. Clarke, L…. Flies, E.J. . 2020. “Mainstreaming microbes across biomes”. BioScience. biaa057.Flies, EJ, Weinstein, P, Skelly, C. 2020. “Early exposure to infections doesn’t protect against allergies but getting into nature might” The Conversation. Published Feb. 7, 2020. Altmetric badge
15. Flies, A.S., Flies, E.J. et al. 2020 “An oral bait vaccination approach for the Tasmanian devil facial tumor diseases”. Expert Review of Vaccines. 14. Flies, E.J. et al. 2019 “Urban-associated diseases: candidate diseases, environmental risk factors, and a path forward”. Environment International. 133: 105187. 13. Lai, H.; Flies, E.J. et al. 2019. “The impact of green space and biodiversity on health: synthesis and systematic review“. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment., E.; Webb, C; Flies, E.J. “How Australian wildlife spread and suppress Ross River virus“. The Conversation. published online January 15, 2019. Altmetric badge
12. Flies, E.J. et al. 2018. “Cities, biodiversity, and health: We need healthy urban microbiome initiatives”. Cities and Health. 11. Buettel, J.C.; Brook, B.W.; Cole, A.; Dickey, J.; Flies, E.J. (2018) “Astro-ecology? Shifting the interdisciplinary collaboration paradigm”. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 9586-9589. doi:10.1002/ece3.4455 10. Flies, E.J. et al. (2018) “Forecasting future global food demand and model complexity: A systematic review and meta-analysis“. Environment International. 120: 93-103. Flies, E.J. (2018) “Impacts of Climate Change on Allergens and Allergic Diseases edited by Paul J. Beggs”. Quarterly Review of Biology. 93(2): 131. 9. Flies, E.J., Lau, C., et al (2018) “Another emerging mosquito-borne disease? Endemic Ross River virus transmission in the absence of marsupial reservoirs.” BioScience. 8. Flies, E.J., Weinstein, P., et al (2017) “Ross River virus and the necessity of multi-scale, eco-epidemiological analyses” Journal of Infectious Disease. 7. Flies, E.J., Skelly, C., et al (2017) “Biodiverse green spaces: a prescription for global urban health.” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 15(9): 510-516.Flies, E.J., Webb, C. (2016). “Explainer: what are antibodies and why are viruses like Dengue worse the second time?” The Conversation, published online November 7, 2016. Altmetric badge
6. Flies, E. J. et al. (2016) “Improving public health intervention for mosquito-borne disease: the value of geovisualization using source of infection and LandScan data“. Epidemiology and Infection, 144(14): 3108-3119. 5. Flies, E. J. et al. (2016). “Regional Comparison of Mosquito Bloodmeals in South Australia: Implications for Ross River Virus Ecology” Journal of Medical Entomology, 53(4): 902-910. 4. Flies, A.; Mansfield, L; Flies, E. J., et al (2016) “Socioecological predictors of immune defenses in a wild spotted hyenas” Functional Ecology. 30(9): 1549–1557.Williams, C; Flies, E. J. (2015). “How a new test is revolutionizing what we know about viruses in our midst” The Conversation, published online August 19, 2015. Altmetric badge
3. Flies, E. J., et al. (2015) “Converting Mosquito Surveillance to Arbovirus Surveillance with Honey-Baited Nucleic Acid Preservation Cards.” Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 15(7): 397-403. 2. Johnston, E.*, et al. (2014). “Mosquito communities with trap height and urban-rural gradient in Adelaide, South Australia: implications for disease vector surveillance.” Journal of Vector Ecology 39(1): 48-55. 1. Johnston, E.*, et al. (2013). “Anaplasma phagocytophilum Infection in American Robins and Gray Catbirds: An Assessment of Reservoir Competence and Disease in Captive Wildlife.” Journal of Medical Entomology 50(1): 163-170.*Maiden name